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Anyone who has cats and dogs understands that they feel a sense of entitlement as family members and relax wherever they choose.  As such, they leave the chore of cleaning up their fur to us.  Removing fur from upholstery is frustrating as it piles up, clings and doesn’t want to let go.  It’s as if it has roots.  Most of grab the upholstery attachment that is part of our vacuum cleaner.  But this can also be a daunting task.  In many cases, removal can be accomplished very simply by using the portable carpet cleaning brush head. Unlike many upholstery attachment bristles, these are shorter and far firmer, and a quick swipe, with or without the vacuum on or attached, will do an amazing job.

This in not recommended for very delicate upholstery fabrics which require standard vacuuming attachments and tremendous care.  This is more practical on modern performance fabrics, microfibers and materials that are more kid and pet proof.  This is also ideal for bed sheets where pets have claimed ownership rights.


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